Washington Department of Health
The Department of Health protects and improves the health of people in Washington State.
The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) makes funds available to drinking water systems to pay for infrastructure improvements. This program is funded through federal and state money and subject to state laws and additional federal regulations.
The program provides: Low-interest construction loans to publicly owned (municipal) and privately owned drinking water systems. These loans cover capital improvements that increase public health and compliance with drinking water regulations, Loan repayments can range from 20 to 30 years. In some cases, partial loan forgiveness is offered, and Consolidation Feasibility Study grants.
Washington Department of Ecology
Our vision: Our innovative partnerships sustain healthy land, air, and water in harmony with a strong economy.
Our mission: Protect, preserve, and enhance the environment for current and future generations.
The Water Quality Combined Funding program is the annual single-application process to apply for funding from multiple sources all at once, for eligible projects that benefit water quality.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides grants to Washington under Section 319 of the federal Clean Water Act. The state is required to provide a 40 percent match in funding. The Section 319 grant program offers funding to eligible nonpoint source pollution control projects, similar to the state Centennial Clean Water Program.