Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation

The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation’s mission is to preserve, enhance, restore and conserve Vermont’s natural resources and protect human health for the benefit of this and future generations. The Vermont Bond Bank jointly administers the SRF Program with the VDEC.

The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) program provides subsidized low-cost financing to municipal and privately-owned public water systems for capital improvements that improve public health protection and facilitate compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act.

Vermont’s CWSRF Program provides funding for Vermont’s Clean Water Projects in the form of low interest loans to municipalities.  Several types of loans are available: Planning Loans: Term of 5 to 15 years with 0% interest, Final Design Loans: Terms of 5 to 15 years with 0% interest, and Construction Loans: Terms of 20 to 30 years with 2% administrative fee, annually. Terms need to be less than or equal to asset life.

Vermont State Revolving Fund Resources
Disadvantaged Community Criteria
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund - Legislation
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund - Intended Use Plan
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund - Project Priority List
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund - Annual Report
Not Available
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund - Loan Ranking Criteria
Clean Water State Revolving Fund - Legislation
Clean Water State Revolving Fund - Intended Use Plan
Clean Water State Revolving Fund - Project Priority List
Clean Water State Revolving Fund - Annual Report
Clean Water State Revolving Fund - Loan Ranking Criteria