Louisiana Department of Health

The LDH Office of Public Health is comprised of 1,100 professionals across Louisiana who are charged with protecting and promoting the health of the communities of our state. The agency operates more than fifty programs with staff in 63 parish health units, three specialty clinics, nine regional offices, three centers, fifteen bureaus, and nearly 600 contractual agreements. Engineers, doctors, chemists, biologists, nurses, sanitarians, clinicians, emergency preparedness experts and a host of other professionals work constantly to: monitor the food Louisiana’s residents and visitors eat; keep our water safe to drink; fight chronic and communicable disease; ensure we are ready for hurricanes, disasters and other threats; manage, analyze and disseminate public health data; ensure access to vital records like birth certificates; and offer preventive health services.

The Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund Program (DWRLF) was established in 1997 in accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996 to provide low-interest loans and technical assistance to public water systems in the state to assist them in complying with Federal and State drinking water regulations and to ensure that their customers are being provided with safe drinking water in order to protect the public health. This program is funded through Environmental Protection Agency capitalization grants which are matched each year with 20% state monies.

Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality

The mission of the Department of Environmental Quality is to provide service to the people of Louisiana through comprehensive environmental protection in order to promote and protect health, safety and welfare while considering sound policies that are consistent with statutory mandates.

The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality administers the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program. This program provides financial assistance in the form of low-interest loans to finance eligible projects, bringing them into compliance with the requirements of the Clean Water Act. Funding for this program is provided by federal grants and match funds generated by the program’s interest and loan repayments. Interest and loan repayments provide a permanent source for funding in future Louisiana projects.

Louisiana State Revolving Fund Resources
Disadvantaged Community Criteria
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund - Legislation
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund - Intended Use Plan
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund - Project Priority List
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund - Annual Report
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund - Loan Ranking Criteria
Clean Water State Revolving Fund - Legislation
Clean Water State Revolving Fund - Intended Use Plan
Clean Water State Revolving Fund - Project Priority List
Clean Water State Revolving Fund - Annual Report
Clean Water State Revolving Fund - Loan Ranking Criteria