Connecticut State Department of Public Health
Mission Statement: To protect and improve the health and safety of the people of Connecticut by: Assuring the conditions in which people can be healthy; Preventing disease, injury, and disability, and Promoting the equal enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, which is a human right and a priority of the state.
The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) program provides long-term below market rate loans to community and non-profit, non-community public water systems (PWSs) to finance infrastructure improvement projects. Examples include storage tanks, treatment works, and water mains. Loans have interest rates at approximately half the market rate and repayment terms can be up to 20 years.
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
DEEP is dedicated to improving and protecting our water resources to ensure a clean and adequate supply of water for now and the future.
The Clean Water Fund is the mechanism through which CT DEEP provides financial assistance to municipalities for projects addressing wastewater needs.